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钢铁侠(Iron Man)读音:英 [ˈaiən mæn] 美 [ˈaɪən mæn]

钢铁侠用英语怎么说 钢铁侠用英语怎么读


1、I would almost blasphemous by saying it's better than Iron Man but I don'tknow.


2、"Angry Birds" is flapping from touch screens to big screens, books and toys, testing whether one of the best-known mobile apps can become an entertainment franchise akin to Mickey Mouse and Iron Man.




发音:英 ['aɪən] 美 ['aɪɚn]


n. 熨斗;烙铁;坚强

vt. 熨;用铁铸成

adj. 铁的;残酷的;刚强的

vi. 熨衣;烫平

n. (Iron)人名;(英)艾恩


iron and steel 钢铁

cast iron 铸铁,生铁,锻铁

iron ore 铁矿石;铁矿砂

iron and steel industry 钢铁工业

iron mine 铁矿;铁矿山

ductile iron 球墨铸铁,延性铁;韧性铁

iron and steel company 钢铁公司

iron oxide 氧化铁

molten iron 铁水;熔铁

pig iron 生铁

iron core 铁芯


钢铁侠的英文名为Iron Man。


读法:英 ['aɪən] 美 ['aɪɚn]


n. 熨斗;烙铁;坚强

vt. 熨;用铁铸成

adj. 铁的;残酷的;刚强的

vi. 熨衣;烫平

例句:This tool is not made of iron but of steel.



读法:英 [mæn] 美 [mæn]


例句:He is a very attractive man





武器系统:但钢铁人的制式攻击武器一直都是其经由手套掌心发射出的冲击光束(Repulsor Ray)。内建在各代装甲中的武器包括了由胸口发射的单束光炮(Uni-Beam);随着运行吸收周围动能的脉冲光,运行距离越远就越强大;电磁冲波发射器;以及能量护盾。其他的功能包括了发射极冻光线(Ultra-Freon),制造与操控磁场,音波炮,用来制造诱饵的全像制造器。



3.钢铁侠英文介绍带中文翻译 急用 谢谢

"Iron Man" is Marvel's latest animation action movie series. Story master Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr. played) was born in a wealthy New York family, small clothes to food to mouth his hand did not like all the dude is so fun nonsense only know Iron Man stills (20 Zhang). Stark natural intelligence, it was a surprisingly talented 17-year-old graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and successfully found the results impressive their social positioning - the family business, "Stark arms company" new boss. Death of their parents would be more inspired Tony career forward momentum. Age of 21, began to control tens of billions of property, he gradually established Stark Company as the first U.S. supplier of the strong position of the arms. However, the character of Tony and the arrogance to achieve the purpose for their unscrupulous practices are often hosts to many problems. Fortunately, his side also has a smart, sexy female assistant Virginia subwavelength Heights (Gwyneth Paltrow played) at all times to their meticulous care and help.But soon after the first kidnapping incident completely changed the life of Tony Stark. When Tony led the group of men and military observers to the boundary in the deserted their newly developed test results, the unexpectedly encountered a group of extremely aggressive terrorists. Ultimately, the confusion was hit by shrapnel in the heart of Tony woke up and found a strange chest more devices, it is this instrument to maintain his own life. Is the same as the original British hostage Sen Boshi electromagnet with a car suck the shrapnel in his body, saved the life of Tony Stark, of course, save his terrorists will not be the only pure natural grasp The weapons design expert, but whose name has long been intentional Mu. Thus, the terrorists began to both soft and hard, Tony Stark requires them greater power to create weapons. Heroes do not eat immediate loss, the wise Stark will not sit still. So he used the help of the British Sen rough terrorists provide equipment and raw materials, in the dark underground base, create a piece for their own survival and fusion energy fusion energy driven by the steel armor, with a strong fighting ability . Rush them with the terrorists, the British Sen Boshi to gain time for the Stark was killed, but to escape Tony changed his arms to create the idea of saving the world.So he improved steel armor, create another piece of fusion energy, a real Iron Man.俄巴迪亚斯坦 (Jeff Bridges played) Stark of the rich and the coveted long-life bad guy himself, in the Stark waves arms companies in Daxing, a secret deal with the terrorist leader. Stark escape from the hands of terrorist bases get damaged when a group of armor debris and help scientists to win the Tony for fusion energy will be the "iron" used in the armor to improve himself. So far the number one villain in the story finally has reason to do whatever they want and confidence.Tony can only rely on the old heart of electromagnets fight with Stan. The most Houbo Ci arc started all energy, will be defeated Stan. In a news conference the next day, Tony said: "I am Iron Man." 《钢铁侠》是Marvel动漫系列的最新动作强片。








4.钢铁侠英文介绍带中文翻译 急用 谢谢

"Iron Man" is Marvel's latest animation action movie series. Story master Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr. played) was born in a wealthy New York family, small clothes to food to mouth his hand did not like all the dude is so fun nonsense only know Iron Man stills (20 Zhang). Stark natural intelligence, it was a surprisingly talented 17-year-old graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and successfully found the results impressive their social positioning - the family business, "Stark arms company" new boss. Death of their parents would be more inspired Tony career forward momentum. Age of 21, began to control tens of billions of property, he gradually established Stark Company as the first U.S. supplier of the strong position of the arms. However, the character of Tony and the arrogance to achieve the purpose for their unscrupulous practices are often hosts to many problems. Fortunately, his side also has a smart, sexy female assistant Virginia subwavelength Heights (Gwyneth Paltrow played) at all times to their meticulous care and help.But soon after the first kidnapping incident completely changed the life of Tony Stark. When Tony led the group of men and military observers to the boundary in the deserted their newly developed test results, the unexpectedly encountered a group of extremely aggressive terrorists. Ultimately, the confusion was hit by shrapnel in the heart of Tony woke up and found a strange chest more devices, it is this instrument to maintain his own life. Is the same as the original British hostage Sen Boshi electromagnet with a car suck the shrapnel in his body, saved the life of Tony Stark, of course, save his terrorists will not be the only pure natural grasp The weapons design expert, but whose name has long been intentional Mu. Thus, the terrorists began to both soft and hard, Tony Stark requires them greater power to create weapons. Heroes do not eat immediate loss, the wise Stark will not sit still. So he used the help of the British Sen rough terrorists provide equipment and raw materials, in the dark underground base, create a piece for their own survival and fusion energy fusion energy driven by the steel armor, with a strong fighting ability . Rush them with the terrorists, the British Sen Boshi to gain time for the Stark was killed, but to escape Tony changed his arms to create the idea of saving the world.So he improved steel armor, create another piece of fusion energy, a real Iron Man.俄巴迪亚斯坦 (Jeff Bridges played) Stark of the rich and the coveted long-life bad guy himself, in the Stark waves arms companies in Daxing, a secret deal with the terrorist leader. Stark escape from the hands of terrorist bases get damaged when a group of armor debris and help scientists to win the Tony for fusion energy will be the "iron" used in the armor to improve himself. So far the number one villain in the story finally has reason to do whatever they want and confidence.Tony can only rely on the old heart of electromagnets fight with Stan. The most Houbo Ci arc started all energy, will be defeated Stan. In a news conference the next day, Tony said: "I am Iron Man." 《钢铁侠》是Marvel动漫系列的最新动作强片。








5.钢铁侠的简单介绍 英文版

最佳答案"Iron Man" is Marvel's latest animation action movie series. Story master Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr. played) was born in a wealthy New York family, small clothes to food to mouth his hand did not like all the dude is so fun nonsense only know Iron Man stills (20 Zhang). Stark natural intelligence, it was a surprisingly talented 17-year-old graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and successfully found the results impressive their social positioning - the family business, "Stark arms company" new boss. Death of their parents would be more inspired Tony career forward momentum. Age of 21, began to control tens of billions of property, he gradually established Stark Company as the first U.S. supplier of the strong position of the arms. However, the character of Tony and the arrogance to achieve the purpose for their unscrupulous practices are often hosts to many problems. Fortunately, his side also has a smart, sexy female assistant Virginia subwavelength Heights (Gwyneth Paltrow played) at all times to their meticulous care and help.But soon after the first kidnapping incident completely changed the life of Tony Stark. When Tony led the group of men and military observers to the boundary in the deserted their newly developed test results, the unexpectedly encountered a group of extremely aggressive terrorists. Ultimately, the confusion was hit by shrapnel in the heart of Tony woke up and found a strange chest more devices, it is this instrument to maintain his own life. Is the same as the original British hostage Sen Boshi electromagnet with a car suck the shrapnel in his body, saved the life of Tony Stark, of course, save his terrorists will not be the only pure natural grasp The weapons design expert, but whose name has long been intentional Mu. Thus, the terrorists began to both soft and hard, Tony Stark requires them greater power to create weapons. Heroes do not eat immediate loss, the wise Stark will not sit still. So he used the help of the British Sen rough terrorists provide equipment and raw materials, in the dark underground base, create a piece for their own survival and fusion energy fusion energy driven by the steel armor, with a strong fighting ability . Rush them with the terrorists, the British Sen Boshi to gain time for the Stark was killed, but to escape Tony changed his arms to create the idea of saving the world.So he improved steel armor, create another piece of fusion energy, a real Iron Man.俄巴迪亚斯坦 (Jeff Bridges played) Stark of the rich and the coveted long-life bad guy himself, in the Stark waves arms companies in Daxing, a secret deal with the terrorist leader. Stark escape from the hands of terrorist bases get damaged when a group of armor debris and help scientists to win the Tony for fusion energy will be the "iron" used in the armor to improve himself. So far the number one villain in the story finally has reason to do whatever they want and confidence.Tony can only rely on the old heart of electromagnets fight with Stan. The most Houbo Ci arc started all energy, will be defeated Stan. In a news conference the next day, Tony said: "I am Iron Man." 《钢铁侠》是Marvel动漫系列的最新动作强片。











Iron man armor


英 ['ɑ:mə]

美 ['ɑrmɚ]

n. [军] 装甲;盔甲

n. (Armor)人名;(法、英)阿莫尔

vt. 为…装甲


Armor 装甲,盔甲,防弹衣

armor plate 装甲板,防弹钢板,钢板

Power Armor 能量盔甲,动力装甲,能量装甲

#侠用 #英语 #钢铁